The Art of Live Reading with Khadijah Queen
Saturday November 14th from 2:00-3:00 PM at Atlanta Contemporary, located at 535 Means Street, Atlanta, GA 30318
The Art of Live Reading workshop will be a discussion of do’s and don’ts during a literary reading with a short lecture, multimedia examples and time to practice for those willing to go beyond downcast eyes, monotone and “poetry voice” to deliver a robust and engaging performance.
Registration is free but space is limited.
Khadijah Queen is the author of Conduit (Akashic Books 2008), Black Peculiar (Noemi Press 2011, winner of the Noemi book award), Fearful Beloved (Argos Books 2015) and Non-Sequitur(Litmus Press 2015), which won the Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women Performance Writers and will be staged by The Relationship Theater Company in NYC this December. Her four chapbooks include I’m So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On (Sibling Rivalry 2013) and the forthcoming Exercises in Painting (Bloof Books 2016). Individual poems appear in Fence, Tin House, jubilat, Fire & Ink: A Social Action Anthology, Best American Nonrequired Reading and widely in other journals and anthologies. Prose appears inRattle, Memoir and The Force of What’s Possible. A Cave Canem alum, she is core faculty for the new low residency Mile-High MFA program at Regis University in Denver.
After registration, the Letters Festival staff will be in touch with more details.
Donations are greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide free programs for The Letters Festival.